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Adults to read is not recommended?

A book written by the author of twelve, open with caution - I must say, quite understandable. Teens-writers today are doing, usually in the genre of fantasy, and repeat the success of the acclaimed "Eragon" can, to put it mildly, not everyone. But Misha Samara on this trodden path did not go. His "On the swings between the hills" - a serious, thoughtful novel of growing up in the spirit of Salinger. With the huge difference that the author of "throwing youth" does not embellishes and ennobling - in fact he still is in it! "... An adult, no matter how he tried to pretend to be a child or adolescent, surely sooner or later, will give themselves a phrase, a word there, a description of whether, but will return without fail. It's inevitable. It's like a jet fighter pretend "for maize and sent farmers to spray fields with chemicals. Do not believe the peasants that the fighter flew with good intentions "- quite rightly argues Misha at the beginning of the book. Therefore, despite the fact that on the back cover of the book harsh red letters it says: "citizens over eighteen years of age DO NOT READ!",

This novel will be useful for both children and adults. Sincerity is necessary to the reader of any age. Especially - if it's not just honesty, and sincerity that only appeared on the Russian literary space of new talented writer who is certainly Misha Samara. "On September to go into seventh grade. And, like it or not, have, as usual, to write an essay on "How I Spent My Summer." But you know that my work will be the short and sad: "In June I was hit by a car, and I have all summer I was in hospital ...". I imagine everyone will pity me, sigh and exclaim ... Ugh, how disgusting "- to avoid this abomination of the main character (also Mike - just do not Samara, and Worlds) and, and have not written an essay, a novel about everything that happened with him in June and led to a sad accident, but at the same time - the first love and rethink a lot in life. The book is really exciting - for his age Misha owns technology writing and composition just fine, but to its character imbued with enormous sympathy for the very first pages. Mischa worlds - a charming teenager: smart, Funny and completely alive, not "literary." He, like most boys of his generation, does not know the values of many parents and grandmother idioms and occasionally climbs behind the Internet, frankly do not understand how one could live without computers, why keep records at home and how the USSR could not miss the food in peacetime. He does a child is angry at adults for their insatiable desire to teach, instruct and advise carefully convinces himself and the reader that in his almost thirteen he was already completely formed personality and everything he likes and dislikes now - it's already on the all my life ... But it does not prevent him from discovering (sometimes in the most unexpected situations), the wisdom of those same adults, to learn responsibility, courage and forgiveness,

set in a holiday village a special sign to passing cab not pressured to dogs and cats, and incorporate it into their vision of the world poetry Brodsky: "The hills - it is beyond us. / Always see their tops, / visible amid the pitch darkness. / Ever, yesterday and today / We're moving down the slope. / Death - it's just plain. / Life - hills, hills "